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The Neoliberal Critique of Trump’s Tariffs Finds Little Support in Economics or Among Voters

The election results present a puzzle of sorts. On the one hand, voters expressed deep resentment towards inflation, under the belief that Biden contributed to rising prices, failed to address them, or both. On the other hand, Trump’s signature economic policy is tariffs—on imports from Mexico to Canada and now Israel—which most economists believe will raise prices. Why are voters, who are ostensibly so sensitive to high prices, willing to give Trump a pass on an obviously inflationary policy?

When I have posed this puzzle on Twitter, the standard neoliberal voices—from Jordan Weissmann to Eric Levitz to Matt Yglesias (aka “The Vox Boys”)—suggested that my brain is small. (Yes, the same Levitz who leaned entirely on an economist to interpret a contract for the counterintuitive proposition that insureds were immunized from Anthem’s proposed and now-retracted policy to restrict anesthesia coverage.) The Vox Boys reckon that voters put everyday low prices above all else. To believe this, however, you must also believe that voters don’t understand the implications of tariffs or don’t believe Trump will follow through with his threats. This neoliberal explainer is fairly unsatisfying, however, as it requires one to believe that voters are stupid.

An alternative explanation, which infuriates the Vox Boys, is that while voters care about low prices, they also care about other things like preserving blue-collar manufacturing jobs or supporting local businesses. To wit, voters tend to punish Democrats for removing trade barriers: A 2020 American Economic Review paper showed “trade-impacted commuting zones or districts saw an increasing market share for the Fox News channel (a rightward shift) … and a relative rise in the likelihood of electing a Republican to Congress (a rightward shift).” This desire to protect local businesses animates much of the New Brandeisian movement, which rejects the consumer welfare standard in antitrust, by among other things, recognizing harms to workers or small businesses.

Following the advice of her corporatist advisors like Tony West, Harris elected to attack Trump’s tariffs from the right, highlighting how the tariffs could raise prices. Indeed, the Harris campaign tweeted a video of Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell bashing Trump’s tariffs, a few weeks after Rampell called Harris’s price gouging proposal “communism.” These attacks moved exactly no one in Harris’s direction. And no wonder: The Democrats are supposed to stand up for labor, who are the biggest beneficiaries of tariffs, especially those who work in the tariff-protected industries. Progressive advocates like Zephyr Teachout were calling for a recalibration on the anti-tariff message, but were ignored. Another victory for the Vox Boys and Girls!

When I pointed out that Trump managed to purge the neoliberal free-trading ideology from his party’s platform, appealing smartly to voters who care about jobs as well as low prices, Levitz quote-tweeted a screen shot of his summary of a 2019 study (and a link to his Vox article), purporting to show that that American exporters that were most exposed to Trump’s tariffs on their inputs—think steel, aluminum, solar panels, and various Chinese goods—experienced lower export growth in 2018 and 2019 than exporters who were unaffected by the duties. Per the Vox Boys, tariffs create harms beyond higher prices.

Before getting into the details of the study, let me note two obvious things. First, from a political perspective, the welfare of large traders engaged in importing and exporting (aka “trading firms”) doesn’t get much play in election conversations; so this anti-tariff argument will again fall on deaf ears. Second, one can’t evaluate a tariff from a cost-benefit perspective without also studying the beneficiaries of the tariffs. By focusing on the welfare of trading firms, however, this study implicitly downplays the welfare of workers whose jobs were protected by the tariffs.

Regarding the merits of the underlying study (available here), the focus on the impact of Trump’s tariffs on exporter growth is curious. If larger or faster growing exporters were more exposed to the “treatment,” then their growth would be expected to slow relative to the “control” group (smaller exporters not exposed to Trump’s tariffs); it’s easier to “grow” from a smaller base. Indeed, the authors acknowledge the difference in the size of the two study groups at page 2:

We find that U.S. importers facing import tariff increases employed twice as many workers compared to the average importing firm and about nine times as many workers as the average firm. Similarly, we find that U.S. exporting firms facing retaliatory tariffs were more than three times larger than the average exporting firm. Thus, the tariff increases hit the very largest trading firms in the U.S. economy.” (emphasis added).

Figure 3 of the study shows that cumulative growth rate in exports for the treatment group exceeded the control group in the two years leading up to the tariffs, with the gap between the two shrinking in each month. It stands to reason that, even absent the tariffs, the growth rates of the two groups would have naturally converged. In fact, the two trendlines differed by approximately 10 log points in early 2016, with most exposed export sectors exceeding all other export sectors by a comparison of 3 log points to -14 log points, respectively. This difference shrank to nearly zero by the beginning of 2018. The reversal that occurred after January 2018 reflects a continuation of the opposing pre-tariff growth directions. Yet the use difference-in-differences (DID) estimation to recover a causal effect, as the authors of this study intended, critically rests upon the “parallel trend” assumption—namely, that had the treatment never occurred (i.e., tariffs had never been imposed), the relationship between the treated and control groups would have remained constant over time. But the authors casually mention parallel trends just once in a footnote, claiming “Figure 3 suggests parallel trends in the months prior to the trade war.” While that statement might be true for the few months right before the Trump tariffs, it ignores the plainly obvious longer trend of convergence. Violation of the parallel trends assumption can bias the estimated effect, undermining the researcher’s ability to ascribe a causal interpretation to the treatment.

Finally, the magnitude of the effect, assuming it’s properly measured, doesn’t sound debilitating for large exports. The authors find a decrease in “log points” of around one (slightly smaller in 2018, slightly larger in 2019), which can be interpreted as a percent change for small differences. By comparison, exports were growing by between four and six percent in the year leading up to Trump’s tariffs, per Figure 1. A decline of one percent in the growth rate of exports for the largest trading firms that import tariff-affected inputs might be a small price to pay for protecting jobs and domestic industries.

Focus on the jobs

Levitz also points readers to a 2019 staff working paper at the Federal Reserve as evidence that Trump’s tariffs harmed workers. Setting aside any infirmities in the estimation or interpretation of results, at least this study focuses on a meaningful outcome variable. The staff working paper purports to show that U.S. manufacturing industries more “exposed” to tariffs lose more jobs from rising input costs (channel one) and retaliatory tariffs (channel two) than jobs gained or preserved from import protection (channel three). Exposure to import protection for a given industry is measured as the share of domestic absorption of that industry affected by newly imposed tariffs; exposure to the other two channels is measured similarly. It follows that for any given industry, exposure along these three channels could vary dramatically.

This study also uses a DID method to uncover the effects of the tariffs. The authors note the “issue of differing trends across industries prior to the implementation of new tariffs”—an admission that parallel trends may not be satisfied—and seek to address it by (1) removing industry-specific trends in 2017, or (2) differencing out the pre-trend path for each coefficient. After these various contortions, they find that “shifting an industry from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile in terms of exposure to each of these channels of tariffs is associated with a reduction in manufacturing employment of 1.4 percent, with the positive contribution from the import protection effects of tariffs (0.3 percent) more than offset by the negative effects associated with rising input costs (-1.1 percent) and retaliatory tariffs (-0.7 percent).” (emphasis added). But this begs the question: What single industry would make such an equivalent move on each of these channels? If China is expected of dumping (say) solar panels, and Trump slaps a tariff on solar panels from China, why would the solar panel industry (now exposed to the import protection channel) be equally exposed to (say) rising input costs?

It would have been helpful for the authors to identify the aggregate employment effect across the three channels for any given industry. Were there industries with net job gains resulting from Trump’s tariffs? To wit, if an industry was only exposed to the import protection channel—that is, no input costs were increased by other tariffs and there was no retaliation for the industry in question—the best estimate of the jobs effect would be positive! By showing the size of the coefficients of the three channels for equal shifts in channel exposure, however, the authors have made it difficult to assess the economy-wide effects as well. We only know (assuming the specification is proper) of the relative magnitudes of the employment effects given a one percentage point exposure to each of the three channels. Tariff bashers will interpret the coefficients as if they can be summed up, but that is only for a hypothetical industry that experienced the same increase in exposure across all three channels.

This is not meant to impugn the integrity of either study. All empirical studies can be criticized. Rather, it is meant to suggest that the Vox Boys have found two studies that tell their story of tariff-induced harms and have decided to pump them up. But neither study materially advances the economic argument against tariffs. 

In summary, the neoliberal critique of Trump’s tariffs finds little support in economics or among voters. The Vox Boys and Girls, who myopically focus on low prices over all other considerations, should be ignored. And Democratic Party should recalibrate their approach to tariffs, recognizing that, to be considered the party of labor once again, promoting labor interests should be their loadstar.

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